Michael Quisenberry (center) signs his commitment to perform for the SIC Theatre this fall. Pictured seated with Michael are his parents John and Sarah Quisenberry. Standing are Gareth York, SIC Theater Instructor and Hannah Drake, Harrisburg High School Music Director. (Photo credit: SIC)

HARRISBURG – Michael Quisenberry of Harrisburg joins the Southeastern Illinois College thespians as he commits to perform on the Allan G. Kimball Stage at SIC this fall. He is a recipient of a theater scholarship for the upcoming academic year.

“I think he will be a good addition to the SIC theater program,” says SIC Theater Instructor, Gareth York. “Michael will be a good fit with our returning and new students this upcoming academic year. I think he’ll be a good addition to any of the other programs and clubs he wants to get involved in.”

Quisenberry recently graduated from Harrisburg High School and performed in such productions as Newsies. He has also had a hand in building many of the set pieces used by HHS in such productions as Grease, Mama Mia, and Tuck Everlasting. While at SIC, Michael will be majoring in Business Management. He plans to transfer to Southern Illinois University to continue his education.

The SIC Theatre in the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center seats 450 people and produces four student shows throughout the year, plus two Junior Falcon Productions shows for children and high school students in the summer. Those interested in talent scholarships to attend SIC or for more information can contact gareth.york@sic.edu or call 618-252-5400, ext. 2485.